Adams Law Attorney Appointed to the Boone County Planning Commission
Adams Law, PLLC is pleased to announce that Boone County Judge Executive Gary Moore has appointed Olivia F. Amlung to the Boone County Planning Commission. Olivia’s term is effective immediately and will expire on December 31, 2023.
The Boone County Planning Commission serves as the planning unit for all of Boone County. It performs planning functions or operations so as to formulate plans for the physical development and the social and economic well-being of the County. As a joint city/county-wide planning unit, the Commission is responsible for promoting the public health, safety, and general welfare of its citizens and businesses.
A member of the Firm’s Civil Litigation, Government Practice, and Business Representation practice groups, Olivia is well-versed in public leadership. In addition to her recent appointment to the Planning Commission, Olivia is an active member of the community via her role as a Board Member for the Boone County Education Foundation, a participant in the Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Northern Kentucky, and volunteer for various leadership programs focusing on the professional and personal development of high school students. Olivia will bring her wealth of knowledge, experience, and community relationships to the Planning Commission in service of Boone County’s physical development and social and economic well-being.
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