Adams Stepner Attorneys Are Featured Presenters at Special Education Seminar
Adams Stepner Attorneys and members of the School Law practice group, Claire E. Parsons and Mary Ann Stewart, were featured presenters at National Business Institute’s “Special Education Law: The Ultimate Guide” seminar in Covington, Kentucky on May 14, 2018. In the morning, Claire presented an overview and analysis of two new United States Supreme Court precedents in the area of special education law issued last term, Endrew F. v. Douglass County School District Re-1, which related to the standard for assessing denial of FAPE claims, and Fry v. Napoleon Community Schools, which related to exhaustion of administrative remedies. She also provided a seminar about developing legally compliant IEPs and running efficient and successful ARC meetings. Mary Ann presented that afternoon about behavior issues under the IDEA, including manifestation determination reviews. She also provided an overview of the
complaint process with respect to students with disabilities.